The Edward Scissorhands/ Sweeney Todd Theory

 Edward Scissorhands and Sweeney Todd are amazing classics. Almost everyone loves them. They are actually pretty similar, but probably everyone who has wondered if they could be the same person just assumed it's impossible because Edward seems way nicer than Sweeney. However, I came up with proof that they could be the same person. They are both funny, unfortunate, smart, popular, and get betrayed by there 'girlfriends.' Sweeney wears an oufit similar to Edward's. Sure, he changed his clothes in 'By the Sea', but that was Miss. Lovett's fantasy. Also, Tim Burton was originally going to make Edward Scissorhands a musical.
   By now you've probably realized that they lived at least a century apart. Well, here's what I think happened. One day, Edward was thinking about Kim, and he remembered that The Inventor had made a time machine. He tried to go back to before Kim abandoned him, but accidentally went to the 1800s, London. Lucy found him and felt sorry for him, so she took him to a doctor, who got him some hands and made his scissors into knives. She let him stay with her, and eventually they got married. You know what happened next.
   Anyway, this is why I think that 'These Are My Friends' is the best song in the movie. It is Sweeney getting reunited with the only connection to his past lives as Edward Scissorhands and Benjamin Barker he has. There is one last piece of evidence to support this theory. In Edward's second flashback, there is a book that's pages are flipping. It's The Inventor's diagram of his plans for Edward. He meant for him to go from a machine to a humanoid to an actual human. Unfortunately, he died before he could get Edward to the final stage, but Lucy got him there and he became Benjamin Barker.